AC|DC -A Journal for the Bent-

AC|DC is always open for submissions from queer writers and artists.

Take a look at what’s on the site to decide if your work might be a good fit. We have a preference for the dark and raw but are open to all.

We are currently accepting all submissions through Duosuma. Submit via the link below. Expect a response within 30 days.

Please report your submissions to Duotrope/Chill Subs/ The Grinder.

Submission Guidlines:

Simultaneous submissions are encouraged. Send a note if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Please do not submit previously published work.

Cover letter and bio ok but not required. A friendly hi is good enough. We will ask for a bio if we feature your work.

Fiction and Creative Nonfiction:

-Submit one unpublished work of short fiction or creative nonfiction, up to 3,000(ish) words.

-Submit .doc or .docx files, double spaced, Times New Roman, name/contact information somewhere on the first page and last name/page number on following pages.


- Submit up to a total of five pages of unpublished poetry.

-Submit .doc or .docx files, spaced how you see fit, name/contact information somewhere on the first page and last name/page number on following pages.


-Submit up to 3 jpeg files of drawing, painting, photography, digital works, or mixed media.

Submit through Duosuma

We are not a paying market at the moment. We will be nominating for awards.

AC|DC acquires first serial rights, non-exclusive electronic rights, and non-exclusive archival rights to the work. Upon publication, all other rights revert to the author. Please acknowledge AC|DC if the work is published in book form or reprinted in any another venue.